
Hina Jilani is one of the many voices that helped women come forth to express their natural rights. Throughout all the threats and disrespect, Hina never stopped what she was doing because she knew she had a mission that needed to be complete.

Article 7 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, states that "All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination." In other words, everyone is entitled to rights and equal protection against discrimination.

This human right is important because it lets everyone understand that the law should be the same for everyone, regardless of gender, race, sexuality, or economic status. Everyone should be treated fairly under the law. People are required to have the same amount of protection under the law and there cannot be any special treatment.

"I always had this feeling that if you see injustice, you have to speak out against it; otherwise you are not in a position to complain." - Hina Jilani


Ways to help...

  • Encourage people to support women's rights
  • Support camapaigns and protest the situation
  • Donate to funds and spread the word to cause awareness to the problem
  • Reform the policies and make sure the police don't ignore this violence against women.
  • Encourage women to report these acts and know that abuse is not acceptable